Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thanksgiving - my favourite holiday!

Thanksgiving dinner is my favourite meal of the year.  A gorgeous turkey with all the trimmings - like Christmas without the hassles of shopping, etc.  I bought a fresh turkey at Flannigan's - a 17 pounder.  I also got my mother to teach me her dressing secrets because my dressing always sucks.  We started with stale bread - white and whole wheat - broken into small cubes that were about a half inch square.  You'll need 8 to 10 cups of bread.  We made a very simple sausage stuffing that was so delish!  I bought a pound of sausage meat from Flannigan's and browned that.

I then sauteed 2 stalks of chopped celery and 1 1/2 medium chopped onions in a couple of tablespoons of margarine.

Then the bread cubes were sprinkled with 2 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of pepper and 1 to 1 1/2 Tbsp of ground poultry seasoning.  To that we added the vegetables and sausage and mixed well.

The turkey was stuffed front and back and stitched up.  It was brushed with 2 Tbsp of melted margarine seasoned with 1 tsp of dried savoury and 1 tsp of poultry seasoning and 1 tsp of paprika.  Add salt and pepper.  I then placed it in a preheated 325 degree oven in a large roast pan covered with foil.  I cooked it slowly from 1:30 pm to 6 pm.  It was basted hourly and the foil was removed about 4 pm.  At 5, I increased the heat to 350 for the last hour to finish browning it.  It was a great dinner with my family contributing - Connie brought apple pie and pumpkin mousse pie, Allyson brought her spinach and pear salad, Cheryl brought turnip and bread, Mom made coleslaw with Grandma's dressing, I did the potatoes and gravy and we started with my bacon wrapped water chestnuts (recipe to follow).  It was a memorable meal - sad to see another Thanksgiving weekend over....

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